Written by Shubham Gupta
This document outlines the Minecraft commands
TODO -> Update the “/gm” and “/takePDDLMove” descriptions
Basic player movements¶
Look - “/look yawAngle pitchAngle” -> Points the cursor in the pitch and yaw direction indicated
- yawAngle -> the angle of rotation between -180 and 180 degrees
- pitchAngle -> the up/down angle between -90 and 90 degrees
“/look xCoordinate yCoordinate zCoordinate” -> Points the cursor in the direction of the specified location - xCoordinate -> x-coordinate of location - yCoordinate -> y-coordinate of location - zCoordinate -> z-coordinate of location
“/look pitchAngle” -> Points the cursor in the pitch direction indicated while keeping the same yaw - pitchAngle -> the up/down angle between -90 and 90 degrees
“/looka direction” -> Points the cursor to the adjacent block in the indicated direction - direction -> one of the 8 compass directions: “n”, “ne”, “e”, “se”, “s”, “sw”, “w”, “nw” - Can also use “/lookadj” and “/lookadjacent”
- Place Block
“/placeBlock” -> Places a cobblestone block at the foot level in the current direction - Turn
“/turn direction” -> Turns 90 degrees in the specified direction - direction -> “left” or “right”
- Select Item in Inventory
“/selectItem itemIndex” -> Chooses the item at the given index (starts from 0) as the main item in the player’s hand - itemIndex -> Index of the item desired
Commands to Return Details¶
Take Screenshot - “/takePic” -> Takes a screenshot of the Minecraft game and saves it to the ?screenshots’ folder
Get Biome - “/biome” -> Returns the biome in which the player is currently located
Get Block - “/testPeek direction” -> Returns the block adjacent to the player in the indicated direction
- direction -> one of the 8 compass directions: “n”, “ne”, “e”, “se”, “s”, “sw”, “w”, “nw”
- Can also use “/peek direction”
Get blocks/entities in Minecraft frame - “/getInfoNoLook” -> Makes a list of the blocks/entities in the frame using raytracing - “/getInfoWithLook” -> Makes a list of the blocks/entities in the frame by looking at every pixel
Get object under cursor - “/getThingNoLook” -> Uses raytracing to return the object under the cursor - “/getThingWithLook” -> Uses the mouseOver object to return object under cursor
Simulate video and get objects/entities in video - “/getVidData numIterations” -> Captures frame data, moves 40 degrees, and repeats until full circle is made
- numIterations -> If greater than 1, the player teleports 10 blocks forward in the x-direction, and repeats the rotations
Create Testing Scenarios/Obstacle Courses¶
Create Obstacle Course Sections - “/makeSection sectionName addGoal” -> Creates the specified obstacle course section with a gold block if desired
- sectionName -> Letter of section to be created. See below for the types of sections and their associated letters.
- addGoal -> If this is not null, a gold block is added to the end of the section
Create Obstacle Courses - “/makeObstacle numSections sectionName” -> Creates an obstacle course with the indicated number of sections, and if applicable, of only the given section - numSection -> Number of sections to use in the obstacle course - sectionName -> If not null, the course will consist of only this section
Create Test Scenarios - “/makeTest testCase” -> Creates the given test scenario
- testCase -> Name of test case to create. See below for the types of cases and their names
Player Actions¶
Perform Subgoals - “/do subgoalName” -> Accomplishes the given subgoal towards the target if preconditions are met
- subgoalName -> Name of subgoal. See below for details on the subgoals
Take Moves - “/takeExpertMove numIterations” -> Chooses a subgoal appropriate based on the environment and takes the action for the given number of iterations
- numIterations -> Number of times the expert move should be taken. If “-1”, the player will keep taking the expert move until the target is reached
- “/takeExpertMoveForHunt” -> Targets the nearest creeper and kills it
- “/takeExpertMoveForMob” -> Targets any nearest mob entity and kills it
- “/takeExpertMoveForWood” -> Finds wood and collects it
- “/takeExpertMoveForBlock” -> Looks for block type that is directly under the cursor and mines it
- “/takeOrderedMove numIterations” -> Similar to “/takeExpertMove”, the player goes through a preset order of subgoals and selects one that is appropriate - numIterations -> Number of times the ordered move should be taken. If “-1”, the player will keep taking the ordered move until the target is reached
- “/takePDDLMove”
Set Targets - “/setTarget zDistance” -> Sets a target location a distance away in the z-direction
- zDistance -> Amount of blocks away from the player in the z-direction
- “/setTargetLoc xCoordinate yCoordinate zCoordinate” -> Sets a target location at the specified location - xCoordinate -> x-coordinate of location - yCoordinate -> y-coordinate of location - zCoordinate -> z-coordinate of location
Center Player to Block - “/snap” -> Snaps player to center of block it is currently on
Goal Manager Commands - “/goalManager”
- “stepTo” -> Walks forward and jumps if needed
- “stepAround” -> Walks to the next nearest possible block
- “stairs” -> Builds a staircase
- “bridge” -> Builds a bridge
- “mine” -> Destroys blocks in front of the player
- “leftStep” -> Walks to the left
- “rightStep” -> Walks to the right
- “fowardStep” -> Walks forward (does not jump)
- “backStep” -> Walks backward
Obstacle Course Section Types¶
- Arch (“a”) -> A horizontal beam of cobblestone at the player’s eye level
- Begin (“b”) -> Creates the starting section without the emerald block
- Comb (“c”) -> A clay comb of height 3 blocks facing the player
- Deep Pond (“d”) -> A pond that is 3 blocks deep
- Empty (“e”) -> Empty section, similar to the “Begin” section
- Diamond Stack (“f”) -> A stack of two diamond blocks
- Target (“g”) -> Similar to the “Empty” and “Begin” section
- Glowstone Stack (“h”) -> A stack of two glowstone blocks
- Brick Stack (“i”) -> A stack of two brick blocks
- Lapis Stack (“j”) -> A stack of two lapis blocks
- Sandstone Stack (“k”) -> A stack of two sandstone blocks
- Lava (“l”) -> A pool of lava with depth of 1 block
- Ocelot (“m”) -> Section with an ocelot
- Sheep (“n”) -> Section with a sheep
- Obstacle (“o”) -> Section with a wall of depth 3
- Pond (“p”) -> Pond with depth of 2 blocks
- Chicken (“q”) -> Section with a chicken
- Mooshroom (“r”) -> Section with a mooshroom
- Short Wall (“s”) -> Wall of height 2 spanning the entire width of the course
- Tall Wall (“t”) -> Wall of height 3 spanning the entire width of the course
- Tree (“u”) -> A stack of two wood blocks
- Stairs (“v”) -> Staircase with 3 steps
- Swamp (“w”) -> A pond with depth of 1 block
- Pig (“x”) -> Section with a pig
Test Scenarios¶
- “simple” -> Creates a pool of lava between the player and a gold block (target)
- “peek” -> Creates an assortment of blocks around the player’s feet
- “peeklevel” -> Creates an assortment of blocks around the player
- “jump” -> Creates a stack of a sandstone block and a gold block (target)
- “walk” -> Creates an arch between the player and a gold block (target)
- “mini” -> Creates an arch in front of a pool of lava with the stack of sandstone and gold on the lava, between the player and a gold block (target)
- “obstacle” -> Creates an obstacle course with 9 sections, a starting emerald block, and an ending gold block (target)
- “look” -> Creates a wall of emerald, cobblestone, and dirt in front of the player, filling the entire frame